Navigating the Labyrinth: 

Common Mistakes English Language Learners Make


Welcome to Lexis Centre's language expedition, where we navigate the intricate terrain of the English language. As language learners, we often encounter stumbling blocks that contribute to the learning process. In this blog post, we shine a light on some common mistakes English language learners make, unraveling the mysteries behind them and providing clear examples for a smoother linguistic journey.

1. Mixing Up "There," "Their," and "They're"

Mistake: Incorrect use of homophones can be tricky. "There" refers to a place, "Their" signifies possession, and "They're" is a contraction for "They are."

Example: "They're going to visit their friends there."

2. Misplacing Modifier Madness

Mistake: Misplaced modifiers can lead to confusion. Ensure that descriptive words are close to the nouns they modify.

Example: Incorrect: "The girl said on Wednesday she would call us " (incorrect), "The girl said she would call us on Wednesday" (correct).

3. Subject-Verb Agreement Stumbles

Mistake: Matching subjects with appropriate verbs is crucial for clear communication.

Example: "The team are playing well" (incorrect), "The team is playing well" (correct).

4. Double Negatives Dilemma

Mistake: Using double negatives can create a positive meaning, which might not be the intended message.

Example: "I don't need no help" (incorrect), "I don't need any help" (correct).

5. Overusing "Very" and "Really"

Mistake: Relying excessively on "very" and "really" can make writing less dynamic. Explore more expressive vocabulary.

Example: "It's a really hot day" (common), "It's scorching outside" (enhanced).


Embracing mistakes is an integral part of the language learning journey. At Lexis Centre, we encourage learners to view these hiccups as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. By dissecting common mistakes and understanding their nuances, we pave the way for smoother, more confident communication. Keep exploring, keep learning, and remember – mistakes are the building blocks of mastery! 

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